Cassie Campbell-Pascall was mentioned in the new board of Canadian Hockey directors.


Cassie Campbell-Pascall, a two-time Olympic gold medalist and Hockey Hall of Famer, is among the nominees. If chosen to the board, she would be the first woman to ever serve on it. Cassie Campbell-Pascall has been pushing for more female representation in hockey leadership roles for many years.

As someone who has been involved in the game for a long time, Cassie Campbell-Pascall brings years of experience and knowledge to the table. Her presence on the board could be a great step forward for women’s hockey in Canada.

The Canadian Hockey organization is hoping that Cassie Campbell-Pascall’s nomination will be accepted by its members so that she can help bring about positive change for the game and its participants.

Cassie’s experience and passion for hockey is invaluable, and she brings an understanding of the challenges that athletes face when competing at the elite level. Campbell-Pascall is a highly accomplished athlete on and off the ice. She served as president of the Canadian Women’s Hockey League (CWHL) and is an active advocate for women’s sports.

The appointment of Cassie Campbell-Pascall to the board demonstrates Hockey Canada’s commitment to supporting diversity in sport and providing greater representation for female athletes. Cassie’s addition to the board of directors is a positive step forward for Canadian Hockey, and we look forward to seeing how she will help shape the future of the game.

Cassie has been instrumental in advocating for gender equality in athletics, and her role as a leader on the Canadian Hockey board will no doubt help to further this cause and ensure that all members of our society have access to fair and equitable sport opportunities.

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